- DDE Rule # 1 : Nonverbal Speaks Before We Open Our MouthsSection 1:Law Enforcement Nonverbal NotesPrivateSection 2:Law Enforcement Nonverbal ExampleFree PreviewSection 3:Law Enforcement Nonverbal ChecklistPrivateSection 4:Law Enforcement Nonverbal QuizPrivateSection 5:Community Member Nonverbal NotesPrivateSection 6:Community Member Nonverbal ExamplePrivateSection 7:Community Member Nonverbal ChecklistPrivateSection 8:Community Member Nonverbal QuizPrivate
- DDE Rule # 2 : Understand Perception & Use Sympathy When You InteractSection 1:Law Enforcement P&S NotesPrivateSection 2:Law Enforcement P&S ExamplePrivateSection 3:Law Enforcement P&S ChecklistPrivateSection 4:Perceptions & Stereotypes Law Enforcement QuizPrivateSection 5:Community Member P&S NotesPrivateSection 6:Community Member P&S ExamplePrivateSection 7:Community Member P&S ChecklistPrivateSection 8:Perceptions & Stereotypes Community Member QuizPrivate
- DDE Rule # 3 : Use Conflict Resolution Styles AppropriatelySection 1:Law Enforcement Conflict Resolution NotesPrivateSection 2:Law Enforcement Conflict Resolution ExamplePrivateSection 3:Law Enforcement Conflict Resolution ChecklistPrivateSection 4:Law Enforcement Conflict Resolution QuizPrivateSection 5:Community Member Conflict Resolution NotesPrivateSection 6:Community Member Conflict Resolution ExamplePrivateSection 7:Community Member Conflict Resolution ChecklistPrivateSection 8:Community Member Conflict Resolution QuizPrivate
- DDE Rule # 4 : Choose Your Words WiselySection 1:Law Enforcement Language NotesPrivateSection 2:Law Enforcement Language ExamplePrivateSection 3:Law Enforcement Language ChecklistPrivateSection 4:Law Enforcement Language QuizPrivateSection 5:Community Member Language NotesPrivateSection 6:Community Member Language ExamplePrivateSection 7:Community Member Language ChecklistPrivateSection 8:Community Member Language QuizPrivate
- DDE Rule # 5 : Carry Traffic Stop Essentials
Course Description
Dual De-Escalation
Law Enforcement - Community Members
A routine traffic stop can be full of tension. This stress is exacerbated or suppressed based on how the parties interact /communicate. We have witnessed Law Enforcement - Community Member interactions lead to violence and death. For the safety of Law Enforcement Officers and Community Members, addressing how both sides communicate is no longer an individual issue, it is a Public Safety issue.
This free training is designed to educate both Law Enforcement Officers & the Individuals in the Communities they serve on the differing roles they play in the peaceful resolution of a traffic stop. If you are enrolled in a course, you must correctly complete the quiz attached the section you signed up for to earn extra credit. Sections include:
Dual De-Escalation Rule #1
- Recognize Nonverbal Communication Speaks Before We Open Our Mouths
Dual De-Escalation Rule #2
-Understand Perception & Use Sympathy When You Interact
Dual De-Escalation Rule #3
-Use the Conflict Resolution Styles Appropriately
Dual De-Escalation Rule #4
- Choose Your Words Wisely
Dual De-Escalation Rule #5
- Carry Traffic Stop Essentials
For Interviewing, Relationship, & More tutorials: www.cfccommunicate.com